Sniper Elite 3, a sequel to last year’s Sniper Elite V2, has been announced by 505 Games, with Rebellion once again handling developer duties. The game is pegged for a 2014 release date on PlayStation 3 and “next gen platforms,” which means that we’ll probably see this on PlayStation 4 as well.
At this stage in development, they are focusing on creating all-new environments, refining the gameplay experience, and creating a brand new storyline, which continues the adventure of Karl Fairburne during World War II.
Ian Howe, President of 505 Games, talked a little bit about Sniper Elite 3:
Sniper Elite V2 has been a great success for us and we are thrilled to partner with Rebellion on Sniper Elite 3. Fans can look forward to the same heart-pounding action they have come to expect from a Sniper Elite game as well as refined and new features that will blow them away.
Then, Jason Kingsley, CEO of Rebellion, briefly discussed what they plan on doing with Sniper Elite 3:
We’re very excited to be working with 505 Games again on a sequel that will build on the highly successful Sniper Elite V2. We’ve got some great ideas to improve on what we did before and feedback from fans has been invaluable. Sniper Elite V2 was just the beginning of what we want to do with the franchise, there are things we didn’t have time to do before that we can really look at featuring this time. We want to focus on making this latest incarnation of Sniper Elite more of a sandbox game but also build on the awesome X-Ray Kill Cam and the atmospheric World War II setting. We’re looking forward to seeing what Sniper Elite fans and gamers in general make of the latest chapter in the story.
Did you enjoy Sniper Elite V2 enough to be interested in Sniper Elite 3? Let us know in the comments below.
[Screenshot taken from Sniper Elite V2]
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